Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Jaicob?

they are badass people that absolutely hates miguels but they are sexy and cute and charming, they are serious and loyal when it comes to relationships dont tic them off tho ull get fcked up man

Hell yeah theres Jaicobe

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Jaicob - video


Jaicob - what is it?

Best Man To Have Sex With , Passionate Lover And Gets Pissed Off Easy

β€œ Cute , good looking and good smelling. β€œ

Jaicob man from twilight

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What does "Jaicob" mean?

A guy who has the auts

Billy: Is that jaicob

Jill: Yeah, he has the auts

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Jaicob - what does it mean?

Contrary to popular belief, this spelling of the name does exist. Most Jaicob’ can be found on the phone spelling their name out

Jaicob: β€œNo no … it’s Jay,ay,Aiiiii,see,oh,bee”

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Jaicob - meaning

sex on three legs
middle stump
big bananna
bigger arms than mitch the sex machine/babe loverrrrr.

"i wish i had a jaicob" he said.
"but doesnt that mean you have to wield a a weapon of mass destruction!" he replied with a quaint look on his face.

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