Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Jagar?

A form of confidence and swagger that is expressed by a high level of performance with no bragging or showing off of any kind. Modest greatness

Wow that quiet kid is such a stud on the court!

Yeah he has that Jagar Swagger.

👍27 👎11

Jagar - meme gif

Jagar meme gif

Jagar - video


Jagar - what is it?

Teh owner of all things good or evil

*Jagar kilt <insert name here> with his Rocket Launcher

👍37 👎69

What does "Jagar" mean?

Singular form of Jagon; Alien orafice located somewhere around the shoulder.... may include the gulgamec's

YEAH! now suck my jagar! Now stick your finger in my thresher.

👍69 👎59