Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Jack smells?

When your with a woman and the only thing she lets you do is finger her vagina and then you proceed home without washing your hands and commence to smelling your finger while jacking off simultaneously.

Joe- man I was with this hot girl last night and all she would let me do was finger her. So I hurried home without washing my hands and started smell jacking to get off.

👍33 👎13

Jack smells - video


Jack smells - what is it?

The smell that comes when you masturbate. Pretty much hand rubbing smell too

Bro I hate the jack off smell

👍55 👎13

What does "Jack smells" mean?

A phrase used to instantly end an argument. Both sides must now except a mutual end to the beef. There is no winner nor a looser purely the knowledge that “jack smells

Billy: yo max
Max: what
Billy: heard yo gurl got stinky grumble
Max: nah fuck that yo a bitch
Billy: stfu bitch boy
Max: Jack Smells
@everyone on the call: fair play

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