Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Jaaag's?

The correct pronunciation of non-SUV Jaguar cars used by Jaguar owners and people who appreciate Jaguars.

Jaguar owner - I'm sorry I can't pay for the dinner tonight, but it's okay because I drive a Jaaag.


When you go on honeymoon with your wife and have an affair by 10 other women on the same night, but it's okay because you drive a Jaaag

👍79 👎11

Jaaag's - meme gif

Jaaag's meme gif

Jaaag's - video


Jaaag's - what is it?

A Jaguar car

The sort of person who would go away for a weekend with his wife to a hotel somewhere romantic and spend the entire night flirting outrageously with a waitress and it's OK because he's got a Jaaag.

👍297 👎21