Definder - what does the word mean?

What is JWD?

jerking while driving is the act of masturbation while driving a motor vehicle.

"you know what john? I was driving back home from work yesterday evening and I was extremely horny, I decided to masturbate on my way home so I could save sometime and a state trooper stopped me and charged me with a charge I have never heard of it was JWD what's that you say? jerking while driving...I guess I'm going down for some time now!"

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JWD - video

JWD - what is it?

(adv) German slang expression, orginating from Berlin, abbreviation for "janz weit draussen" ("very far off"), pronounced "yod way day". A mockery term to denote provincial regions and ideas, can be used to qualify a place, something or someone as being out of the question, unacceptable, off the mark or simply fucked up.

"Der Typ is ja wohl sowas von jwd" - "This guy is so totally out of question"

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