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What is JRWI?

AIM talk for, "Just roll with it"

(on AIM)

person 1- dude i just broke my leg! i need to go to a hospital!

person 2- jrwi man, jrwi.

👍33 👎21

JRWI - meme gif

JRWI meme gif

JRWI - video


JRWI - what is it?

Just Roll With It (or JRWI) is an absurdly powerful DnD podcast featuring Slimecicle, GrizzlyPlays, Condifiction, and BizlyChannel available on iTunes, Google Play, Spotify, Stitcher, YouTube, Twitch every wednesday, and Podbean.

Person 1: What's your favorite JRWI campaign?

Person 2: I have only listened to Riptide so far.

👍27 👎11