Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Issel?

When I stupid teenager tries the Tik Tok trend of taking off her 1st and last letter of her name, not knowing that there is a bitch looking at her through her window.

Grisselle is from the **Ramirez** family and is stupid enough to try this trend.

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Issel - meme gif

Issel meme gif

Issel - video


Issel - what is it?

extremely cold

Yo, ike, i busted out of house and started chasing him but it was issel as a mug and i ran beck in.

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What does "Issel" mean?

A very beautiful, outgoing, and life of the party type of girl but don’t get on her bad side

Aye yo call up Issell ain’t no party without her

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