Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Ishrat?

She is a snake at time and really rude. But he can be nice too. She has few friends and is mean.

Joey: ishrat is sooooo annoying

Zoey: Oh she’s alright

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Ishrat - video


Ishrat - what is it?

she is a baddie. she is very blunt, and is a lover of chocolate. ishrat is superior to sodi.

Ishrat is a baddie

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What does "Ishrat" mean?

The girl you never give up on. You will try again and again because you know that once you lose her you will never find a girl like her again. If you do lose her there will be this void in your heart only she can fill.

Bob: Who is that girl over there I think I'm in love!
Joe: Oh, man thats Ishrat forget about it she's out of your league.

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Ishrat - what does it mean?

Ishrat is a nice and caring individual who has nothing but love to offer to her friends. She is amazing at giving advice and is not afraid of voicing her opinions. She has gone through a lot emotionally and requires the emotional support of a friend, do not betray an Ishrat because once you lose their trust it is gone. She is extremely hardworking and deserves all the love in the world. She may have a tendency to go for the guys that are emotionally manipulative so keep an eye out for them.

"Yo she's such an Ishrat, she basically dated a psychopath"

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Ishrat - meaning

A girl shrouded with so much wonder. Just from looking at her you will want to know everything about her. She not like most girls she will want you to work hard not only for her but to be successful. She will care just as much about your future as she does for her own. The girl if you ever fall in love with you hope you don't lose.

Nick: How are things going with that girl
Tristen: Ishrat is all I need

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