Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Inès?

Inès is the best person you’ve ever met (after ur mom) she’s very funny even tho she can be annoying sometimes 🤨 but she’s a very lovely and caring person. She’s so pretty, smart, has a good style and she listens to mitski that’s why she’s better than you and your friends so, go get yourself a Inès dayum.

X : She’s so pretty, what’s her name ?
Me : Ikr, her name’s Inès.

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Inès - meme gif

Inès meme gif

Inès - video


Inès - what is it?

Inès is a dreamy unusual girl, she will always ask you the weirdest questions and loves talking about the books she's reading. Inès is calming to be around, she is the most imaginative person ever, there's no one like her. She looks so magical. Inès lives in her own world but will gladly invite you in it. She always sees beauty in the things that surround her because of her sensitivity and empathy. If you know a Inès, marry her immediately .

-" I wish i was with Inès so she could tell me stories"
-" me too man..."

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What does "Inès" mean?

Inès is an ethereal, intriguing girl, she has a lot of weird interests and collections but rarely speak about them. When she does, her words are hypnotizing. She is extremely clever and finds interest and beauty in everything. She's a romantic and will say things like "blimey"or "lovely" a lot. She expresses herself through writing and constantly listen to melancholic music. Most of the time, she has a sad look on her face but in a beautiful way. She is very sensitive and bottles it all up in the secret garden that is her mind. You're a lucky one if she ever lets you in.

(person1)" Dude who's that hot girl over there?"
(person2)" That's Inès, last time I talked to her she analyzed my dream."
(person1)" Whoa sick!"

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Inès - what does it mean?

Inès Delaunay is too shy to invite a guy for a drink.
She is more comfortable to lock herself in and dreaming of thousands scenarios that will probably never happen or writing songs while she is listening to music.
She can be listening and understanding but when it's about her, people can get fed up very quickly and we can understand them.

Inès Delaunay sucks.

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Inès - meaning

She is the deydey you never thought you needed, the greatest person on earth, who drives tracteurs like no other man.

She is the most beautiful moron the world ever knew, and she deserves the world

Inès es el godfather of the mafia
I wish Inès Deydey could be my wife

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