Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Invega?

A medication a psychiatrist gives you if he/she doesn't like you or has a gripe against you. It's basically throwing you down a well and closing it permanently to "fix" whatever issue you were having. Prepare to gain 30+ in a couple months and to never be able to achieve a natural erection ever again. Side effects will include losing all your friends, never leaving the house, complete genital numbness and involuntary celibacy. Your penis will shrivel up and die, never to be used again even after taking this injection even just one time. No matter how in-shape you are, your muscles will become weak and you'll find no reason to keep working out even if you have been doing it for years. Everywhere you go, everything that you do, you feel the dead shriveled meat in your pants. It would be like getting out of an ice cold pool 24/7. You will never get morning wood ever again. Prepare to give up on all of your future plans, your job, your sex life, and your love life. Your instinct to impress anyone will completely vanish. You will forget what being horny feels like.

(over text)
You: I just got into an argument with my psychiatrist and he ordered that I take invega injections.
Me: Did you do it?

You: Yes

6 months later

Me: hey I haven't heard from you in a while are you good?

9 months later:

Me: hey everything alright?

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Invega - video
