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What is If i could fly?

Sad song whose performers are Niall Horan, Louis Tomlinson, Harry Styles and Liam Payne. Album: Made in the A.M

X: whats your favorite song?
Me: if i could fly by 1d

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If i could fly - video


If i could fly - what is it?

When you are as high as humanly possible. It doesn't matter what drugs you are intaking, as long as you are high as hell.

John: How was your night?
Jack: Dude, I was as High as I could fly.

John: Hey did you hear about jack?
Mary: Yeah, I was there. He was as high as he could fly.

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What does "If i could fly" mean?

that one direction song that two gay girls sing to each other, because that song defines their relationship and means the world to them because they are endlessly in love with each other

if i could fly i'd be coming right back home to you

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