Definder - what does the word mean?

What is ITS CoRoNa TiME?

we are living in a pandemic sooooo yeah

Sky: "Its corona time!
Annabella(hacker) :Bruh

👍27 👎13

ITS CoRoNa TiME - video


ITS CoRoNa TiME - what is it?

"its corona time" is a social media meme, its a person saying "its corona time" which connects to the recent epidemic aka. coronavirus, "its corona time" is when someone coughs or sneezes, and the person says "its corona time" to make a joke that coronavirus would have its time to infect the person. though, this is a joke that eventually became a big meme during February and March 2020

person1:*coughs* or *sneezes*
person2: "its corona time"

👍41 👎13