Definder - what does the word mean?

What is IRONs?

Word used to describe unusually flat-bottomed feet(flat-footedness). Typically these feet are great for water skiing but not great for running. Irons can be easily spotted by the total flatness of the bottom of the foot.

Davit: Wow! You have flat feet!
Zach: Yep, they're called irons.
Davit: Can you barefoot ski?
Zach: I'm the best at it!

👍205 👎91

IRONs - meme gif

IRONs meme gif

IRONs - video


IRONs - what is it?

The process by which an individual "iron-lungs" a vape hit. Withholding vapor to the cages of the lungs in order to increase buzz probability.

Also, can be used to refer to withholding marijuana in the chest to increase the chances of THC absorption.

The breaking down of nicotine in the lungs to increase the passing to the brain.

You just ironized the fuck out of that vape bro.

The ironization of that hit was almost passed threshold.

Holy fuck Bill, that ironization could have killed you if you held it any longer.

👍61 👎19

What does "IRONs" mean?

An unexpected result, often the opposite of what was expected to happen.

Isn't it ironic that ISIS is attacking France with weapons Made in France but sold to Syria.
People posting things with #PrayForParis, while their government earnt the money to provide for internet by selling weapons to ISIS, is quite ironic.

👍91 👎29

IRONs - what does it mean?

Comically antiquated variation on 'ironic' presently used most often to emphasise the unseriousness of a point. 'Ironical', like many nouns accepting the -ical adjectival suffix (e.g., poetical, hermetical, etc.) fell into disuse in favour of the shorter -ic form (e.g., poetic, hermetic, etc.) in Early Modern English. The anachronistic 'ironical' is therefore most commonly used in current speech to suggest the absurdity of an expression.

Speaker 1: That...that doesn't make much sense.
Speaker 2: Yes, one might even suspect, for example, that I was being ironical!

👍389 👎151

IRONs - meaning

A gat, peice, heat, or any kind of handgun.

You better watch how you step or you'll get this iron to your mind.

👍699 👎255

IRONs - definition


Ironically I have no idea what that word means.

👍449 👎143

IRONs - slang

an unexpected result

it is ironic that the health teacher's son is an avid recreational drug user

👍363 👎97


1. A situation where the result is a complete reverse (and practical mockery) of what was expected

2. A word heavy misused and abused in conversation today, mostly by people who think that using the word in any way will automatically make them seem intelligent. The word is usually misused to exactly mean "coincidental" or "tragic", when again it doesn't mean this (see #1)

If the heavy metal band Anthrax dies of anthrax, that would be poetically tragic, but not ironic. If a diabetic crosses the street and is run over by a truck carrying insulin, then it's ironic.

"Isn't it ironic that the pop song 'Ironic' contains absolutely no examples of irony?"

"One issue of Mad Magazine showed Alfred E. Neuman face-down in the desert, crushed to death by a parachuted crate of first aid supplies. Now THAT was ironic!"

👍2519 👎625


Deliberate substitution for irony. Stems from a quote by Bart Simpson in the episode "Grift of the Magi". Rarely appears outside the phrase he uttered: "the ironing is delicious".

Bart: Lisa's in trouble. Ha! The ironing is delicious.
Lisa: The word is "irony".
Bart: Huh?

👍597 👎95


A burning determination that cannot be stopped or hindered by anything; Willing to do anything to get a desired out come; Extremely resilient

He has an iron will trying to stand up after that punch

👍415 👎59