Definder - what does the word mean?

What is IDEAR?

a thought

"Whoo, Billy Bob, that's the worst idear i err heard!"

👍135 👎245

IDEAR - meme gif

IDEAR meme gif

IDEAR - video


IDEAR - what is it?

often said by people who are just learning the english language.

"Do you have any idear of how the war with iraq will turn out?"

Japaneese Journalist in Press conference

👍221 👎345

What does "IDEAR" mean?

An idea, a thought.
(I add a literary quote, from "The Grapes of Wrath",
by John Steinbeck.)

"Got a lot of sinful idears - but they seem kinda sensible."

👍151 👎211

IDEAR - what does it mean?

someone who comes up with an idear.....or idea

LETS LOTR MARATHON, im such a good idear....idearer

👍35 👎15

IDEAR - meaning

Actually, this is how the English (meaning people from ENGLAND) themselves pronounce the word "idea." Look into it before you post, idiots.

Ralph Fiennes: My father had the right idear about dealing with *your* people.

- Prince of Egypt

👍543 👎575

IDEAR - definition

The way blue collar folks from New York City, the Hudson Valley, Stamford/Greenwich, and some parts of western Fairfield County say "idea". Often pronounced this way by the working class Polaks, Italians, and Irish of the area.

Paul Sr. from OCC: "Yeah, I like workin' with Ricky, me and him come up with some good idears."

"My Uncle Tom is an old Polak bastard from Stamford, he's got some good idears!"

👍97 👎73

IDEAR - slang

The British people's way of saying "idea"

Tom: I've got an idear. Jerry: Cool what is it

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A more than dubious variation of the word "idea". Heard a lot on the tv series "American Chopper". Gives me the shivers every time.

My father came up with this idear.

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What losers who don't know proper english say instead of idea.

Thats a nice idear! "It's idea idiot!"

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The English people usually don't pronounce the Letter R unless its followed by a vowel as in "the doctor announced" and some other special cases ,so when they say "the car has broken down" it actually sounds like "the ca has broken down"
but it would be hard to say "the ca is green for example" so they just add an r at the end of any word that ends this way even if it doesn't have an r at the end of it
so "the idea is" will sound like "the idear is"
and "the idea has" will remain the same

the idear is
"the sofar is" equals "the sofa is"
"we sawr on tv" equal "we saw on tv"

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