Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Humiliating?

What women like to see the men they want to sleep with do to their male "friends".

Hym "Why do you think that is?"

Iam "I don't know."

Hym "I'm sure could you argue 'It's not indicative of a pattern in intersexual, platonic relationships. They're just outliers' but I'm sure if I spent all day every day (for years) on red pill channels they would contradict that claim and they would site studies to substantiate their counter-claim."

Iam "You see how that could be seen as hypocritical.... Coming from us?"

Hym "Then we've done nothing wrong. By that logic, they're doing the same thing we used to do (in microcosm)."

Iam "We could probably do more in terms of doing our own due diligence..."

Hym "Largely unnecessary. I'm sure someone else is already doing it for us."

Iam "Then I guess you answered your own question..."

Hym "Hmmm.... That doesn't seem to be the answer I'm looking for... Maybe you all like to humiliate one another and you do it for my amusement."

Iam "Did you have somewhere you were going with this?"

Hym "No... I thought I did when I started but really I'm just posing the question."

Iam "On another note, I prefer this format."

Hym "As do I. It's a more accurate representation of our thought."

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Humiliating - meme gif

Humiliating meme gif

Humiliating - video


Humiliating - what is it?

what happens when you're playing counterstrike and you get knifed in the back. After which a computer voice booms, HUMILIATION (which is often stolen from quake)

*w007 almost have this bomb defused.....HUMILIATION!*

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What does "Humiliating" mean?

Humiliate means when someone is embarrassed when Someone does something to them

Sarah was humiliated when Becky spanked her ass in public

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Humiliating - what does it mean?

Person who likes to humiliate other people to make him/herself
look good. Humiliator can also serch sexual pleasure by humiliating other people. Twisted act takes often place in crowded area.

"Last night some guy pulled my skirt down while i was shopping tampons. At least 10 people saw me. That fucking humiliator!"

"He always cums in my mouth and laughs while im choking. HeΒ΄s such a humiliator!"

"My ex-boyfriend secretly videotaped us having sex. Now he watches our private S&M session on cum fiesta dot com with hes friends and laughs his ass off. Thank god iΒ΄ve broken up with that twisted humiliator!"

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Humiliating - meaning

Losing a game of Pokemon to bedang, or a match of AoE to Nikhil..

Goutham, pokemon masta, suffered humiliation at the hands of Bedang..

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Humiliating - definition

When you get your pants pulled down in public or your friend embarrassed you

"Taking my pants off in public is humiliating!"

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Humiliating - slang

1. When you get knifed in the ass in Counterstrike and die and your opponents take your $5000 AWP and your deagle and you feel like a retard and even the computer says "HUMILIATION."

2. When you go on a blind date across the Internet and then meet some girl online and decide to meet at a bar. When you go there you find out that its your mom.

3. When you date a transexual schmang and you find out she has a bigger wang then you.

See synonyms PWNED

1. Wayne HEADSHOT W/ KNIFE on Computer Nerd. HUMILIATION.

2. Nerd 1: Yo sup hot mama lets meet at McDonald's.
Nerd 1's Mom: Okay
After they meet...
Nerd 1: WTF MOM!!!

3. Guy w/ Inchworm: Sup let's go to my place?
Girl w/ Anaconda: Aight.
Guy w/ Inchworm: Holy fux dude your wang is so big u must have back spasms.
Peter Griffin: HUMILIATION

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To belittle or embarrass someone to an extreme degree.

He humiliated his enemy by pulling his pants down in front of everyone at school.

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An extremely embarrassing feeling that occurs many times is one's life. Commonly caused by public nudity.

Ryan's humiliation certainly wasn't fun for him, but us girl loved seeing him handcuffed naked to the flagpole in front of the school (right when school got out).

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when other people laughed at you and embarassed you.

i jumped in the pool and my top came off. i was so humiliated

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