Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Haslingden?

meaning- shit show.

person1: whyโ€™s there a used condom on the floor
person2: bc this is shit show haslingden high school.

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Haslingden - video


Haslingden - what is it?

A school located in the Rossendale Valley. It is popular for its high exam results and its Sixth Form. The Rules of the Sixth Form are utter bullshit and protests are being organised.

Boy 1: I go to Haslingden High School! :D

Boy 2: Faggot...

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What does "Haslingden" mean?

Haslingden is a town in north west England filled with nonces, drug dealers and drugies and underage drinkers.
Haslingden is indefinitely a great place to live.

Jack "Haslingden is shit"
Mat "you're right"

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Haslingden - what does it mean?

Haslingden is a town in north west England filled with Nonces , drug dealers and underage drinkers.
Haslingden is indefinitely a great place to live.

Jackโ€ Haslingden is shitโ€
Matโ€youโ€™re rightโ€

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