Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Hard boy?

A notorious warzone cowboy clan that take no prisoners and fucks every cowboy butt in sight. Typically you can find them in farmland looking for fresh guile butt or hanging out with their cocks out on top of hospital. Be warned, these dick hards will drop your pants and fuck your butt so fast your head spins

Let’s drop hospital. Fuck, wait nooo!! The Dick Hard Cow Boys are already there!!

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Hard boy - video


Hard boy - what is it?

A boy whom thinks they can get any girl they please when really every girl hates him. A try hard fuck also once they get with a girl stays with them because they know they won't be able to get another girl but act as though they are inferior to them to make themselves look cooler then they already are.

Micheal is a try hard fuck boy

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What does "Hard boy" mean?

A hard boy is like those guys who would murder you with one look. Take your moms advice and keep your heart in one piece or if you like being played or alone in bed crying you go get them hard boys, its usually a Justin, Roi, Brad, or a Zakk but they are loyal and hooot go get sooome

Jess- I want a hard boy damnnn

K- If u wanna get yr heart broken go get em girlie ;P

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