Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Harcourt?

The school of sarcastic and mental students. We are proud though. If you ever were to enroll here, you are absolutely not welcome cuz you will first receive a shocking news that your child's form teacher is a jagras. (monster hunter world)

kid 1:ayo, he goes to harcourt public school.

kid 2: ikr, no wonder hes so dumb

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Harcourt - meme gif

Harcourt meme gif

Harcourt - video


Harcourt - what is it?

One of the major cities to visit if you happen to be in Nigeria. The city has a thriving nightlife scene, beautiful women and good hotels. Home to several local entertainers including movie stars and musicians.

Duncan Mighty, Muma Gee, Timaya, M-Trill, Mr. 2Kay, Slim Burna are all singers from Port Harcourt.

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What does "Harcourt" mean?

The best last name ever (Harcourt) could be mispronounced as hardcore, this last name originates from France, if you have this last name you're truly a badass.

Harcourt is a better last name than "Hein" or something stupid like "Stgermain"

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