Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Hagakure?

a really hot milf. she is yasuhiros mom. she is in udg(ultra despair girls).

"who is this woman there?"
"oh! its hiroko hagakure and she is a milf"
"omg she is a really hot milf"

👍47 👎13

Hagakure - meme gif

Hagakure meme gif

Hagakure - video


Hagakure - what is it?

An underated Danganronpa character that low key looks like a sea urchin.

"Pfft, Yasuhiro Hagakure the Ultimate Clarivoyant?! More like the Ultimate Husbando >:3"

👍27 👎11

What does "Hagakure" mean?

Himbo Weed man. We love him.

Yasuhiro Hagakure is great, in all honesty

👍105 👎15

Hagakure - what does it mean?

Hagakure Toru from BNHA is best girl.
The slim thicc invisible chick can easily blind people.

Fuck me Hagakure.

👍49 👎31