Definder - what does the word mean?

What is HOEISH?


You are hoeish

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HOEISH - meme gif

HOEISH meme gif

HOEISH - video


HOEISH - what is it?

when someone sucks too many dicks

thats a hoeish act

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What does "HOEISH" mean?

Unlady like

When you’re out with your clique, sometimes it can get a bit ratchet and hoeish!

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HOEISH - what does it mean?

to act like an old rich person.

Whenever you get money,you act all hoeish.

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HOEISH - meaning

The act of being a hoe. A word to describe someone who tries to steal someone's boyfriend/ girlfriend, lover, ect.

Her hoeishness failed when she tried to steal my boyfriend.

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HOEISH - definition

People that are fake or act stupid in ways you dont liek or agree on

or just dump people you hate

"dog im bout to give him a meat shot"..."man shut yo dumb as up stop with your hoeishness leave him alone"

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HOEISH - slang

Someone who acts like a hoe/ acts similar to a hoe but aren’t a hoe at the same time or considered one 😭

My classmates mom acts so hoeish,she changes her boyfriend’s like she changes her underwear

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an adjective describing something or someone being like a hoe

my hoeish brain cannot stop thinking about Mork

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Reigning from Hoelland, a country in europe

look at those Hoeish scallywags the be from Hoelland

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to act like a whore.

i got mad at my beoch because sh was acting hoeish at da club.

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