Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Gungalar?

You can use this word against anyone or anything. It’s kind of used like β€œBozo” but in a more wackier and stupid way. It can be used in any situation serious or not, just to piss people off. It can be used as a nickname or an insult.

Squirtle Boy: ...and then it was my uncle..GUNGALAR, who walked in to his room with a bigass onion ring to replace the grapefruit for the grapefruit technique.

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Gungalar - video


Gungalar - what is it?

A mythical item in League of Legends which allowed itsusers to gain insane power, due to its immense power the item was hidden.

De Zondebok: Build sword of gungalar after guisuis
De Zondebok: buy second item, sword of gungalar.

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