Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Gub?

When a heavily odds on shot in betting gets turned over and loses

Dave) Get on roger federer to beat Rafa Nedal at odds of 1.05.

alan) Sounds like value to me, ill stick my whole bank on it, yeh?

Dave) Its free money

Tommo) Gubbage convention now taking place in tennis with Rafa nadal 1 set away from a win.

Dave and Alan) FFS! OMG!

Tommo) Has this happend before? Gubbed!

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Gub - meme gif

Gub meme gif

Gub - video


Gub - what is it?

Gubs is a gaming term that refers to any dropped loot in games such as Borderlands or Destiny. This can include use-able weapons, in-game currency, armor, or even useless crap that you'll just sell to a vendor (if applicable), or just discard entirely.

"Man, i got some shitty gubs from that boss fight!"

"Did you get any good gubs? all i got was a dumb under-leveled shotgun i'll just get rid of."

"Try not to die in this level, the enemies are supposed to drop some really good gubs!"

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What does "Gub" mean?

Man City 8 Watford 0

Watford were gubbed

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Gub - what does it mean?

Gubbed - Scottish vernacular.

1. To be punched in the gub
2. Broken, destroyed or otherwise burst
3. Knackered, exhausted, jiggered, trashed

1. The wee bastart gubbed me wan in the feckin' gub.

2. I cannae roll wan 'cause the skins are gubbed.

3. Gies a break, Hen, ahm totally gubbed.

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Gub - meaning

When someone enters another dimension through the consumption of alcohol.
Also known as gucked or gabstered.
Originated from a young teenage ginger nicknamed gub who got fucked past any level known to man.

β€œAre you getting white girl wasted?-Nah dude I’m getting gubbed up”
β€œDid you see Emily last night? She was so gubbed up she had to get her stomach pumped”
β€œBro we’re totally getting gubbed up tonight”

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Gub - definition

An alternate expression for cannabis, derived from gubbins. Often used when secrecy is required, eg. when discussing cannabis over the phone and parental units are near, although it has also evolved into becoming part of general usage.

1. tumbleweed, pass the gub-gub over here man so I can skin up.

2. (over phone) yo, you up for getting some gub-gub tonight? - to the ensuing confusion of parents or anyone else who happens to be listening.

3. farmer ya cunt. gimmie the gubbedy gub stick.

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Gub - slang

An alternate expression for cannabis, derived from gubbins. Often used when secrecy is required, eg. when discussing cannabis over the phone and parental units are near, although it has also evolved into becoming part of general usage.

1. tumbleweed, pass the gub gub over here man so I can skin up.

2. (over phone) yo, you up for getting some gub gub tonight? - to the ensuing confusion of parents or anyone else who happens to be listening.

3. farmer ya cunt. gimmie the gubbedy gub stick.

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verb- to jab someone in the butthole region while they aren't looking, often with the aim of causing them to make a mistake. Though generally performed with the thumb, gubbing can also be accomplished with a similarly blunt object, such as a summer sausage. Named for an elderly bowling alley pro-shop employee who invented the maneuver.

Gub just gubbed Josh and he missed the shot on the 8-ball!

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Cum that’s half dry. Like when you blow a load on to something after masturbating and don’t clean it up right away and come back and half of it is already sticking to the surface.

Dude who left gub on my couch?!

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Scottish word for mouth.

Shut your gub

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