Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Gratus?

Grateful state (of mind); Appreciative of the situation you're in now.

Hey Bob, How ya doin'?
Gratus Status, man!
Yeah? What for?
My boss gave me a raise today!

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Gratus - meme gif

Gratus meme gif

Gratus - video


Gratus - what is it?

Something that's so cheap that it's basicly free.

1. "Have you seen that hooker over there?"
2. "She is so cheap that she is gratus."

👍57 👎33

What does "Gratus" mean?

It is a mispelling for the dutch word "Gratis" which means "Free".

Stef: What's the dutch word for free?
Daan: Gratus
Jeroen: No, stupid, you made a typo. It's "Gratis".

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