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What is Graal Online?

From personal experience, a dating website for 16 year olds who wanna date you if you have a girl skin.

Was prabally a good game, you should prabally wanna look at other definitions because this is just a warning

" omg this one guy i met wants to date me!"

" i get so many pms with guys who wanna date me on graal online "


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Graal Online - video


Graal Online - what is it?

Graal Online is a giant ripoff of Zelda, at one time even referred to as "Zelda Online". Despite the fact that technology has come a long way, this 2D piece of shit (with servers that generally really lack in development ) is still enjoyed by many a lifeless, self-loathing drone. It is staffed for the most part by socially awkward dweebs who want to feel some sense of authority, as they don't feel in control of their own, REAL lives (I speak from experience). Due to the lack of development with quests and useful NPCs, it is basically a giant chatroom where people either troll or cyber one another. Yeah, you know you've done both.

"Yo, gurl, log on Graal Online and PM all ur frawndz 2 meet at tha church in TC 4 tha wedding. Owait, I dun hav enuff $$$ 2 marry. U pay & I'll pay u bak after I sell my lumber, k? Um...I cant log on. Can u axe a GP why I'm bant?!"

"Oh, they said it was for massing pictures of your genitalia again."

"OYA. LOL. XD Kthx."

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