Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Gig'em?

Gig'Em week started in 2000 as the week before the Fall semester starts in Aggieland. Recently renamed to "Howdy Week" for no apparent reason, except to make it sound lame. Fear not, a name change will not make Gig'Em week any less than what it truly has been for the past 17 years, which is a giant week long party!!! Upperclassman of all ages look forward to Gig'Em week as a time to absolutely rage their faces off before real school work sets in. Who are we kidding though, the first week of school, "syllabus week" is also an appropriate time to commit such acts of putting school on the back burner for just a little longer! So get ready freshman you're in for a treat, also please refrain from using the term, "Howdy Week", it simply goes against tradition.

"Gig'Em week is in less than 5 days, I can't wait to get ignate."

"Last Gig'Em week I ended up in Foundies like every night, and I haven't been there since freshman year."

"WHOOP I am about to get tore up at Gig'Em week this year!"

👍25 👎11

Gig'em - meme gif

Gig'em meme gif

Gig'em - video


Gig'em - what is it?

Gig'em - an Aggie hand sign that means Beat the Hell outta the other team. (this doesn't have to make sence because aggies are insane)

Hey Gig'em Aggies!!! Whoop!

👍457 👎293

What does "Gig'em" mean?

saying used by Texas A&M players and fans followed by a thumbs up sign.

Started in 1930 by Pinkie Downs during practice before the TCU game. "What are we going to do to those Horned Frogs?" "Gig'em"

Borrowing a term from frog hunting. Or frog gigging

Gig'em Aggies!

👍123 👎39