Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Ghost man?

An escape plan for a trailer trash hook up. When you tell a trashy girl you have a surprise for her and tell her to lay down naked and vape with her vape pen. When there is enough smoke, stand over her and take a shit on her face. The only thing she should see is shit coming out of the smoke.

I went back to Shellys trailer and after I nutted, I tried β€œThe Ghost of Some Mans Ass”. It worked.

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Ghost man - video


Ghost man - what is it?

A person that covers a base when you are playing kick ball and you don't have enough players on your team. Their abilities are the same as yours depending on your skills on running to the base.

The ghost man on first base ran the wrong way when I ran from home to third base. Idiot.

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