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What is George Shelley?

The extremely attractive guitar-playing member of the U.K boy band Union J (previously known as Triple J, featuring Jaymi Hensley, JJ Hamblett, and Josh Cuthbert). Likes Spider-man, Legend of Zelda, cuddling, bananas, noodles, and Demi Lovato. In a bromance with bandmate Josh Cuthbert (known as Gosh). Was added to Union J after being axed as an X Factor UK solo artist.

Girl 1: Have you heard of George Shelley?
Girl 2: Yes, oh my god, he's so hot, I love him.

👍87 👎79

George Shelley - video


George Shelley - what is it?

George Shelley is 1/4 of the XFactor 2012 Band "Union J", he auditioned for the Competition as a Solo artist but was put into "Union J" then "Triple J" just before the Judges Houses where their Mentor Louis took them to Las Vegas they have since been competiting in the competition and still are, George grew up near Bristol and was bullied at school for his weight, he moved schools alot and enjoyed playing his guitar, he is well know as looking like One Direction's Harry Styles and many people know him through his relationship with another contestant "Ella Henderson" which they both denied stating they are only friends. He's known for his good looks and charms and boy is he hot

(Watching YouTube)
?: With the taste of your lips im on a roydeee
Girl 1: OMFG is that George Shelley from Union J?
Girl 2: Yeah
Girl 3: OMFG he's so hot.

👍163 👎93