Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Garretson?

A dick infested town with not only one long penis but 2 long penises. mr. and mrs. long have tiny buttholes and like it like the kids that lurk within

you - ew mr long is gay and he lives in garretson.

me - yes we know.

us - save uss from this place called dicked gtown

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Garretson - meme gif

Garretson meme gif

Garretson - video


Garretson - what is it?

This girl is a ugly piece of garbage<3 but she could grow up she’s still just 5 😂 jk but she needs possible help or a mental hospital rn thank you urban Dictionary<3

Aliah| why are you so fat

Me|well I wouldn’t wanna look like your ugly ass

Aliah| well your a hoe and I’m too scared to say stfu to someone’s face❤️😭

Like I would keep dreaming to be pretty as well ugly hoe ❤️ Love, The person that wants to kick ur ass✨😖 aliah garretson 🦶🏻

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