Definder - what does the word mean?

What is GURT?

To vomit, usually from excessive drinking. A term originating in Norfolk County

Alex: Hey did you go to Keenan's last weekend?
You: Yea but I gurted all over his basement

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GURT - meme gif

GURT meme gif

GURT - video


GURT - what is it?

To ejaculate on a turtle

After finishing his walk in the park, Brent decided he could use a nice Gurt.

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What does "GURT" mean?

the act of oral sex

And when you gurt me I always start laughing a little
You do it so good you make tha shit tickle-"Miss Me Kiss Me Lick Me"-Cold Flamez

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GURT - what does it mean?

Great, very large. used:Devon and part of Cornwall (England)

1. Gurtun A large one
2. Gurtbegoil A Great big hole

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GURT - meaning

to throw up

person 1: *gags*
person 2: β€œoh shit he’s bouta gurt!”

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GURT - definition

Often used as an adverb.
Originating from the English West Country, including the city of Bristol.
Originally meaning "great" as in "great big" or "gurt big", but now is also used in place of "really", "well", "very" and "exceptionally".

"gurt lush"
"gurt smart"
These can also be abreviated to simply "gurt"

"Would you look at that donkey, ee's got a gurt bigun!"

"Tracey's gurt!"

"That bendy-bus is gurt lush!"

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GURT - slang

A little extra on your ______.

I done snuk into ma homies room while he was sleeping and said, β€œgimme dat Gurt-gurt.”

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When one puts yogurt on their back to "heal" a sun burn, and only get curdled smelly... awesomeness.

Danny: Hey Gurt-Gurt your really should go outside its been 5 months and it still smells.
Adam: SHUT UP! I hate you and your "I'm always right "attitude". JEEZE!"

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Guts + hurting = Gurting.

Caused by: Greasy food, excessive boozing, PMSing, stress, chinese food, high fiber diets, lots and lots of apples, nervousness, improper use of anal beads, enemas, laxatives, too many Fiber One bars, phenolphthalein, prunes and prune juice, food poisoning, long distance running, cholera, and any combination of said inducers

Symptoms: Stomach achy, crampy, gassy, guts rolling, uncomfortable, afraid to fart.

Leads to: frequent bathroom trips, piss-ass, burning butthole and an all around shitty day.

CAUTION: If you are expecting to gurt, DO NOT WEAR THONG UNDERWEAR. I will only further the pain of the barking butthole. Also, playing touch tag with your underwear is truly a dangerous game on gurt days.

David: Oh man. I definately should not have drank that six pack, those blue bombers or that tequila shot. And my butthole keeps telling me the tabasco sauce on top of the chili cheese fries was a bad idea.

BaRB: Sounds like you're definately gurting.

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the mixture of shit and cum after two gay men have sex.

Jimmie "Dude i totaly just shit out all that Gurt!" Alex "MMM now i can eat it all up, yummy!"

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