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What is Furry Fandom's?

The stylish new brand of bestiality taking the world by storm! Yes, some of them are completely disinterested in having sexual relationships with cartoons of anthropomorphic dogs, but in the same way that Mama June doesn't want to screw Honey Boo Boo! Their garb is furry costumes, leashes, and butt plug tails!

Guy 1: Shelia is hot! Think she's single?
Guy 2: No, she's not single because she has an online boyfriend named Shadow Claw who pretends to be a wolf with emo hair.

Guy 1: Why the hell would she like someone like that?
Guy 2: Because they're a members of the Furry Fandom.

Guy 1: Shit, once she grows out of this she's going to be so embarrassed. Anyway, I'd rather not date someone who'd prefer a date with my cat.
Guy 2: Good choice. Give her some time and she'll get through it.

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Furry Fandom's - video


Furry Fandom's - what is it?

A surprisingly very sexual fandom, despite what ignorant people inside the fandom itself might say. According to the Anthropomorphic Research Project, 96.3% of male furries reported watching furry pornography. 78.3 percent of females reported to watching furry pornography as well It was also reported that 50.9 percent of all art viewed by male furries was porn compared to the female 30.7%. Neither of those look like a small percentage of the fandom to me.

According to "State of the Fandom 2008" by the Furry Research Center (, a portion of the fandom (17%) reported an interest in Zoophilia. This shows an increase in compared to a survey taken in 1997-1998 where it was only 2% that were iterested in zoophilia. This is a visual example of an increase of a fetish in the community.

The 2015 "Rainfurrest" didn't make furries look good either. It was one of the biggest furry conventions, with 2,704 attendees. There was a count of assault, sexual assault, drugs, and multiple other uncivil actions reported. Internet Historian, a youtuber with over 2,000,000 (2 million), in a video covering the event, said in the description "The story of Rainfurrest 2015, one of the most degenerate conventions ever held. Drugs, petty vandalism and diapers -- it had it all. " The diapers he refferred to was "crinkling", which was a trend among furries and was very popular at the convention.

1: "Hey, you know what the Furry Fandom is, right?"
2: " Yep. It's a very misunderstood fandom. So many thinks it's fetishized!"
1: "Because it is. There are so many articles explaining the sexualities of the fandom and how a mjority of the fandom are in on it."
2: "That's...horrible!"
1: "A little fun fact, if you look up 'furry rapes their pet', there are almost 7 million results?"
2: "I'm not sharing that info, don't want to get downvoted on reddit."

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What does "Furry Fandom's" mean?

The fandom of furries. It is very misunderstood community hated by many for the baseless reason that sexual, zoophillic, pedophillic, or kinky furries exist.

N: Bruh, the furry fandom is so sensitive.
F: What do you mean?
N: So I bullied this innocent 14 year old who just draws cute protogens to the point of suicide and she got upset at me, yeah she's so sensitive, like bro, grow a pair
F: *furry.exe has stopped responding*

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Furry Fandom's - what does it mean?

A place where people hang out to fricking talk about cool stuff


i went to the furry fandom and found e621

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Furry Fandom's - meaning

The furry fandom is one of the most welcome places on earth and is full of kind and caring people.

Iā€™m am a member of the furry fandom!

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Furry Fandom's - definition

(Short definition) a furry is someone who enjoys drawing anthroanimals, cosplaying as them, going to conventions, and just watching funny videos about about them! A furry is NOT a zoophile, as a furry I do not accept
Zoophiles at all and only about 5% of the Fandom ARE zoos

The furry fandom is a fandom that enjoys anthropomorphic animals ( a anthropomorphic animal is a animal with human characteristics)

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Furry Fandom's - slang

The furry fandom is a subculture interested in fictional anthropomorphic animal characters with human personalities and characteristics.

I am in a furry fandom.

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Furry Fandom's

Fan sites and fan art done by furry fans.

"Did you see that new entry on the furry fandom site yesterday?"

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Furry Fandom's

Furries are a group of people who enjoy anthromorphic characters and sharing their lives into the hobby. Aka The Furry Fandom. The media is famous for looking at the more minisculed opinioned furries who take the hobby into perverted levels. The majority side of the fandom consists of artists, role players, and talents of all sorts.

"Fursonas" are the characters they represent as themselves or other things. Artists make personal art of other characters when asked to do so, for a price of course. Furry artists who actually have talent get away with getting around 10-30 dollars every time they make a piece of art. Because furries are so prideful in their work, stealing ones art (calling it your own, not telling who the artist was in the post, tracing the original work, ect.) will result in you getting harassed to the point of hopelessness.

Amungst the website consists of groups special for warning each other of people stealing art, bullying, scamming, ect. Furries sure are serious business when it comes to drama. You think you hate furries and how they want to have sex with everything? Well the fandom has a name for those furries and they're called "Basic Furs". Furries will no doubt attack and report consitently on anyone who is disgustingly perverted, and are so aggressive they only make things worse.

Person A: The furry fandom wouldn't be so bad if there wasn't any drama or perveted porn seekers.
Person B: Then there wouldn't be a fandom at all.

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Furry Fandom's

furries are anthropomorphic animals, who have a special intrest in animals with human-like qualitys. Many people believe that part of being furry partakes in a sexual side. Amittidly it does happen but not all furries are interested or enjoy the more sexual side of the fandom.

Furries also may partake in conventions, fursuiting, and fur meets. In which they gather and hang out or disscuss events that partake in the fandom or a general topics of the world.

All in all the furry fandom is not all about sex and actully a surprising amount of furs did not even learn about the sexual side untill they were deeper in the fandom, dispite what the latter definition says. The furry fandom is one of the biggest parts of my life and is considered my life nomatter what people say!

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