Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Fruit Cups?

When you eat some Skittles or Starburst and spit the juices left in someones pussy or ass for lube.

I gave my old lady a fruit cup last night!

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Fruit Cups - video


Fruit Cups - what is it?

There are two defintions for this term.

1. A man puts his balls in between his legs.

2. You shove an assortment of fruits and or vegtables into your lovers asshole or vagina and then eat them.

1. I will bend over and show you my fruit cup Maurcie!

2. Jessica lie down and let me give you a fruit cup!

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What does "Fruit Cups" mean?

A polite insult to a dumb/naive person, kind of like saying sweetie but in a more strict manner.

Fruit cup is also the stripper name of the mother of a girl named Sally.

WARNING: If you say this to any non-fruit consumer, you will to sentenced to death, you have been warned.

Sally: The earth is flat
Rico: Okay, fruit cup
Sally: No, fruit cup is my mother's name.

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Fruit Cups - what does it mean?

the food of choice for tards worldwide. first made famous in the trombone chronicles, in the sonicare chapter.

jimmie attempted to eat his fruit cup but ended up spilling it over his plastic poncho in a drooly mess.

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Fruit Cups - meaning

fruit cups are athletic supporters for gays

little billys father had to buy his son some fruit cups or they wouldnt let him participate in his karate class

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Fruit Cups - definition

Male genitalia, since they are like a cup with two strawberries and a banana

Do any hot chicks want to eat my fruit cup? I have two strawberries and a banana

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Fruit Cups - slang

A gay person

Yo you seen that Fruit Cup?

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Fruit Cups

verb when a guy puts his balls between his legs (like in scary movie) and moons someone

Have you seen my fruit cup?

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Fruit Cups

When you cup your hand over your ass and fart then place it over that special someone's mouth and nose.

I gave Petra a fruit cup last night.

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Fruit Cups

the female equivalent of tea bagging.

The sorority girls got drunk and engaged in fruit cupping the bros all night long.

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