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What is Frankie J?

A wonderful man who inspires people all around the world. He basically is drop dead gorgeous and makes everyone want to either be him or be with him. Basically, near perfection. A man who shines bright while others shade dark.

Also the funniest and smartest man in the world.

Zach: Hey, have you met Frankie J Grande?
Cody: No, I haven't yet. I've been too busy looking at my abs.
Zach: You should meet him, he is bae and the funniest and smartest person in the world. I love him.

👍39 👎193

Frankie J - video


Frankie J - what is it?

One of the best R&b singers EVER, formally a member of the spanish group Kumbia kings lead by selena's sister AB quintilla.

Have you Heard that new frankie J song on the radio?

👍95 👎29