Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Foundling?

A bunch of crybaby-a** mid-18th-century rich-bug dudes who kept slaves and generally behaved disgracefully in their personal lives, but who still wanted to be free of the tyranny of England --- primarily for their own selfish financial sakes, though, not for the love of John Q. Public.

John Hancock realized how weak-willed and cowardly most of the minuscule-signature-scrawling signers of the Declaration of Independence were, and so he wrote his own name in huge letters to show King George how much bolder he was than most of the other wimpy foundling fathers.

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Foundling - what is it?

a baby in the old times that was so fucking gay and useless. like, back in the old days, when people only wanted to have strong boys as children, they would take girls or weakling little boys and just leave them on hilltops and shit or like in front of churches. yeah thats pretty fucked up but still, they were useless.


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