Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Flumes?

A channel or trough used to direct gas or liquid downstream.

The gas from Dave is so potent, they need a fuel mod zone to deflect his flume.

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Flumes - meme gif

Flumes meme gif

Flumes - video


Flumes - what is it?

When a man shits in another man's anus as a prank. See "Fluming".

You've been flumed son!

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What does "Flumes" mean?

The act of eating ass during a dj set at a club or music Festival. Named after the edm artist Flume who at burningman 2019 performed this act

Bruh that chick just jumped onstage and let the dj eat her ass .

Guess she wanted a proper fluming!

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Flumes - what does it mean?

The act of eating ass especially whilst on stage or in front of a crowd of people.

Hey girl let me flume you

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Flumes - meaning

A water ride found in most amusement parks, where you are inside either a boat or a log and you float down a trough.

Not as fun as a roller coaster, but you get pretty wet.

"You wanna go on the flumes? There's barely any line."

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Flumes - definition

The act of eating booty with enthousiam and no shame.

Originated from DJ Flume eating ass on stage at Burning Man

Her : "I love getting my ass ate"
Him : " girl, with you i'd be fluming!"

"That girl has an nice ass, i'd Flume her all night"

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Flumes - slang

An Australia based electronic music producer. Harley Edward Streten has now hit YouTube views of over 250 million in total. Recognizable songs like; You & Me (Flume Remix) and Tennis Court (Flume Remix), has 100 million views altogether! Harley's new album 'Skin' was nominated for the Grammy's, and 'Skin' did win "best electronic album".

Flume has also 'invented' a new type of sub-genre in electronic dance music. Mostly known as 'future bass'. Future bass is now referred in the trap community as a more relaxed version of trap.

Flume has also been apart of 'What So Not'. A project created by 'Emoh Instead' and 'Flume'. The artists had great success with songs like Jaguar, Gemini and High You Are. Harley later on left the group in 2015 and is now playing solo. Emoh is currently going solo as 'What So Not', and has won numerous awards in the sub-Reddit /r/ Trap.

Person 1: Have you heard the new album from Flume?
Person 2: Of course I have!

Person 3: What's your favorite songs from Flume?
Person 2: Mine's Ezra - Flume
Person 1: I really liked Insane feat. Moon Holiday - Flume.

Person 3: Same, that one has to be my favorite. But I like 'Never Be Like You' aswell.

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To eat ass, or prove your willingness to eat ass.

I told Sharon that I’d come over on Saturday and do a Flume.

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An underrated DJ that makes experimental electronic music and has basically created his own sub-genre of electronic music, future bass.

Flume Fan: Have you heard flume's new album, "Skin"? He's finally getting nominated for a grammy!

Random Person: Never heard of him.
Flume Fan: Smh, so underrated.

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Flumes is used when something really sucks or is going rough.

β€œI failed my math test the other day”
β€œMan that really flumes sorry”

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