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What is Flodafinil?

Flodafinil (Flmodafinil; Fluoromodafinil; CRL-40,940; Lauflumide), is a eugeroic (wakefulness enhancer) that is 2 to 4 times stronger than Modafinil. It used to be sold everywhere. Now, it's harder to find. Eugeroic king NZT has Flodafinil, as well as other ingredients. Eugeroic king NZT has 100mg of Flodafinil per capsule. Flodafinil last 12+ hours and the dose range is 75mg to 200mg. It's more stimulating, dopaminergic, and wakefulness enhancing and histaminergic than Modafinil.

I tried 1 eugeroic king NZT capsule and was awake for hours! Thanks Flodafinil!

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