Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Flight crew?

A common term used for talking about suicide in the Marine Corps. Referring to jumping off a high place to achieve the sweet release of death

“Did you hear about PVT Jones last night? He went third deck flight crew! They found his body in the morning.”

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Flight crew - video


Flight crew - what is it?

the 9/11 flight crew is a iconic group of six teens whos hobby's include; bullying kids on roblox, making offencive memes and taking about people on zoom as they are all internet friends. the group consists of ruby,freya,amy,mimi,paige and abby. they are all six the musical stans who are idiots.

pearl: oh my god did you see the meme that the 9/11 flight crew made?
emma: yes it's so offensive! they bully my little sister on roblox!

pearl: it's so offensive!

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What does "Flight crew" mean?

A person(s) who enjoys variuos forms of sex with medical personnel in the Air Medical field.

Megan Christopherson

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Flight crew - what does it mean?

A group of wingmen or wingwomen.

Lets get Leonard laid tonight. We can be his flight crew.

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