Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Flexi?

wanting to cause a fight.getting flexi, shadow boxing at someone.

i was waiting for a bus.and some dude started getting flexi with me. he was looking for a fight.

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Flexi - meme gif

Flexi meme gif

Flexi - video


Flexi - what is it?

A descriptive word used to describe someone with flexible morals.

"I've made flexy decisions but I'm learning"

"Steer clear of the tequila it makes you go flexy!"

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What does "Flexi" mean?


1. Workout-inspired selfie

2. Taking a photo of oneself before, during or post-workout; at the gym; while wearing gym clothes; while flexing

3. Shamelessly showing off your swole and toned self on social media

1. After my workout at Youfit Health Clubs, I was so swole I had to take a flexie to photograph my progress for all my peeps

2. I'm totally Instagraming that flexie! Double tap!

3. Check out my before and after flexie

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Flexi - what does it mean?

combination of flex and sexy
when some one is or feels swole and sexy at the same time

1. "damn i feel flexy"

2. girl says to friend: "did you see jack today? he was looking so flexy"

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Flexi - meaning

a combination of fly and sexy.

Yo, Bizzy's outfit was really flexy tonight.

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Flexi - definition

When you flex too hard on your poor friends with your AirPods

Person A "You didn't have to flex so hard with your airpods"
Person B "I feel flexy - if that's a word"

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Flexi - slang

a flexi is an incredibly gifted female athlete who has extraordinary abilities of contortion, incredible power, amazing speed, extreme aggression, massive sex appeal and an exceptional physique.

holy hell, did you see that roller derby jammer? what a star-studded flexi!

when that flexi body slammed the other player, i thought it was all over.

if we had a whole team of flexis, we would annihilate those amazons.

serena williams is a total flexi.

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A super erect penis.. That is kind of smelly but has a few weird hairs and a few boils and pimples.. Its not a good thing.. It also bends to one side..

Jeremy has a total flexi..

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A awesome kid who lifts gets swole and parties like a frat boy who just found out he got a girl pregnant, his somers consist of hanging out with friends and doing dumb shit like packing hogs and going to the beach to get slammed

Yo we should get Flexi over here then it will be a bash

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Incredible flexibility that looks attractive

Yoga girls often get defined as this

She's super flexi!

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