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What is Fire Cunt?

Max Garrard

Max Garrard is such a cunt he’s a fire cunt. A cunt, but on fire. Fire cunt.

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Fire Cunt - video


Fire Cunt - what is it?

An absolute cunt back who destroys everything in her in her path and acts like she’s better than everyone else and bullies people because she has no life .

She’s usually a obnoxious mouthy bitch who is fat and dumpy and thinks she is The shit when she actually isn’t

Girl1: Betty is bullying me again she called me a ugly bitch and threw a book at me

Girl2: she’s such a fire breathing cunt

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What does "Fire Cunt" mean?

An extreme bitch who also has red hair. She usually is never in a good mood and constantly bitching at random people.

Aaron "Dude did you see Jessica?"
Josh "Yea bro she is a fire breathing thunder cunt
Aaron "Oh aight"

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Fire Cunt - what does it mean?

Generally describes a person of small stature who instead of producing words tends to rain fiery slander all over those who surround them and try to destroy any remaining drop of happiness that might exist in their lives.

They also have been known to occasionally devour princesses and steal their coffee mugs which they then defend obsessively.

FBCD= Fire breathing cunt dragon

Girl 1: I think I'm going to have some coffee (reaching for princess mug).

FBCD: Uh uh gurl thats mah princess mug you savage biatch.

Girl 1: I just want some coffee....

FBCD: Uh uh you sketch-ass space bitch thats mah mug (emitting fire out of mouth).

Girl 1: You are such a fire breathing cunt dragon!

FBCD: (Breaths fire while snatching princess mug and simultaneously smacking girl in the face)

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Fire Cunt - meaning

When a woman experiences the effects of multiple STD's at one time, causing serious itching, scratching, burning, basically a vagina that is in need of a good hose down.

I saw Becky's gyno report, bitch had herpes, crabs, and gonorrea, she was itching so hard I could tell she had some serious cunt fire!

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Fire Cunt - definition

An absolute, arrogant, despicable little twat who destroys everything in her in her path and acts like she’s better than everyone else and bullies people because she has no life.

She’s usually a obnoxious fat and dumpy little twat

Girl1: Betty is bullying me again she called me a ugly bitch and threw a book at me

Girl2: she’s such a fire breathing cunt

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Fire Cunt - slang

When a woman experiences the effects of multiple STD's at one time, causing serious itching, scratching, burning, basically a vagina that is in need of a good hose down.

I saw Becky's gyno report, bitch had herpes, crabs, and gonorrea, she was itching so hard I could tell she had some serious cunt fire!

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Fire Cunt

Someone who is beyond bitchy.

Professor ________ is a Fire Cunt.

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