Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Fingerbanging?

MDK's Song called, Fingerbang.

Dude, Did you listen to MDK's new song, Fingerbang?

Yeah dude! It's the best song by MDK by far!

👍51 👎29

Fingerbanging - meme gif

Fingerbanging meme gif

Fingerbanging - video


Fingerbanging - what is it?

What teenagers in the 80's did

Tommy fingerbanged me at the Debbie Gibson show last night

👍75 👎41

What does "Fingerbanging" mean?

1. The sexual act of making a woman have an orgasm by use of your finger(s) and nothing else.

I'm too sensitive for a vibrator so Steve fingerbangs me after he's finished.

👍771 👎501

Fingerbanging - what does it mean?

when a guy sticks his fingers fast up a girls pussy and rubs and pets inside

he pulled off my thong, and stuck his fingers half way up my pussy and rubbed my walls, then fast pushed then up all the way, jamming and petting me inside roughly, fingerbanging me

👍1311 👎881

Fingerbanging - meaning

a. a woman who digitally masturbates with intensity
b. a term of insult, especially to a man

Elise doesn't use vibrators as she's quite the accomplished fingerbanger.

Hey, you fuckin' little fingerbanger! Get your Geo Metro out of my driveway!

👍91 👎37

Fingerbanging - definition

The old name of the title level of Geometry Dash, renamed to Fingerdash for definition reasons.

Person 1: "Hey dude, what's the title level called in Geometry Dash?"
Person 2: "Fingerdash."
Person 1: "Oh, I heard it was called 'Fingerbang'."
Person 2: "That was it's old name, but was renamed to Fingerdash for reasons I'm not allowed to say."

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Fingerbanging - slang

An extremely talented boyband featuring Cartman, Kenny, Kyle, Stan, and Randy Marsh.

"I'm gonna fingerbang bang you in to my life."

genius words from the guys themselves

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The sexual act where the finger is inserting into the vagina or anus to imitate the motion of an inserted penis. Also: finger, fingerfuck.

Before we had intercourse, he proceeded to arouse me first by fingerbanging my vagina.

👍3897 👎1109


boy band from South Park

👍5243 👎981


This is the result of over drinking and over fingering. After a long period of fingering the vagina, the fingers and wrist get sore and swollen. Should heal in 3-5 days.

Dude, I fingerbanged this chick so long last night I got fingerbangitis.

👍207 👎13