Definder - what does the word mean?

What is February 6?

The day which the best youtuber ever was born. He is the one and only Jacksepticeye! LAUGH!

"Hey it is February 6! You know what that means!"



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February 6 - video

February 6 - what is it?

National Joe Bartolozzi birthday

A: "What day is it today?"
B: "It's February 6th, the national Joe Bartolozzi birthday"

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What does "February 6" mean?

A day of celebration for Kaeyas tits.

Its February 6, have you appreciated Kaeyas massive milkers today?

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February 6 - what does it mean?


its february 6 londons bday she seem so T'd

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February 6 - meaning

National fiend day.

This day is dedicated to all the fiends!

Wow she’s such a fiend! She was definitely born on February 6th

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February 6 - definition

On February 6 was born the most cool edgy but also cringe people, they are kinda cute though.

person: Oh she is cool little cringe but cute tho
person 2: yeah, she must be born on February 6

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February 6 - slang

The birthday of Rick Astley, therefore making it national Rick Roll day. Rickroll your mom, Rickroll your teacher. Fuck it, rickroll that Chinese girl down the street. It doesn’t matter how, why, when or where you’re rickrolling, just make sure they get pissed off.

β€œMan, I keep gettin’ Rickrolled on February 6th, fool”

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February 6

National kiss your crush day 😍😘

Boy-can’t wait for February 6th
Another boy- why
Boy- it’s national kiss your crush day

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February 6

Its been a little more than a week since Kobe and his daughter aren't here anymore

like if you miss Kobe Bryant
(if you don;t your glad he and his daughter died)
Every like is a heart for Kobe and Gigi along with everyone else who died
On this day at 8: 24 p.m Take a minute of silence for him along with everyone else who passed away

*8:24 pm* February 6
ME: (crying and taking a moment of silence)

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February 6

National hang out with your girlfriend day :)

hang out with your girlfriend on February 6

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