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What is Faze Booce?

Smokes dank, and makes bank by spanking noobs on COD. From the planet of Boocetopia, and hits such dank noscopes while he blazes 420 kush, and eats Dorito and Mountain Dew Cereal. He also occasionally takes over M3RKMUS1C's YouTube channel along with Braydon and Melvin.

β€œDid he just hit? Damn. That guy must be FaZe Booce!”
β€œIs that FaZe Booce? He just hit such a dank trickshot!”

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Faze Booce - video


Faze Booce - what is it?

He smokes dank ass blunts and took over merkmusic

FaZe booce hit a dank trick shot

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