Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Father fucker?

1. A Mother Father fucker is similar to a mother fucker. A mother fucker is someone who fucks your mother. A Mother father fucker is someone who not only fucks your mother but he fucks your father too. He may, or may not be Bisexual.

Shit! My mom and dad both have herpes! There must of been a mother father fucker loose!

👍37 👎35

Father fucker - video


Father fucker - what is it?

1. to fuck someones father
2. a fag
3. to fuck a male animal
4. a diss

DUDE!!! ur a father fucker!!!! i saw u and staceys DAD fucking on the beach u FATHER-fucking faggot!!!!

👍75 👎107

What does "Father fucker" mean?

1. Stepmother; or girlfriend of a divorced father, especially one difficult to get along with. 2. Any female who has influence over a father and uses it to make his children's life unbearable.

2. My sister has my Dad totally under control: The little father fucker knows how to get her way.

👍51 👎39

Father fucker - what does it mean?

Vulgar Slang, based on the word "Mother Fucker". Used in refference to a person who is attracted to men who are much older then they are (old enough to be their father).

Lee was called a father fucker.

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Father fucker - meaning

The Upside Down Middle Finger. F-You times 10!!! The Worst Hand Gesture There Is.

When you're driving and you need something more then the middle finger...Father Fucker

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Father fucker - definition

Someone who fucks father's.

You are such a father fucker

👍27 👎13