Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Enri?

He is a varikars type of dude.

Have you seen the movie ? It was a Enris guy movie

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Enri - meme gif

Enri meme gif

Enri - video


Enri - what is it?

This name is known as one of the greatest people to be friends with. He's loving, cares about others, and wants to achieve anything in life that he sets a goal to. His smile can light up a room. He's a person that will always be there for you when you need him the most. Being the person that he is, he's just amazing and most of all good looking. All the girls act like they hate him, but deep down they love him. The truth is that these girls are just scared to talk to him.

Enri the al-mightiest man among all.

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What does "Enri" mean?

the most british person like ever
also she has blue hair and pronouns

Hey, have you seen Enri? Shes such a brit lmao

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Enri - what does it mean?

Short and skinny Mexican also looks funny in general without trying

Enry you look funny.

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Enri - meaning

Sexy model that has the ability to take your bitch but is humble and loving and caring and sweet and very successful in life

Enris took your girl

Enris is smart

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Enri - definition

This name is known as one of the greatest people to be friends with. He's loving, cares about others, and wants to achieve anything in life that he sets a goal to. Being the person that he is, he's just amazing, all the girls act like they hate him but deep down they love him. The truth is that these girls are just scared to talk to him.

Enri the stealthy warrior who slayed the great beast.

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Enri - slang

A stealthy Warrior who always serves for the powerof good. Kind generous and loving, strong wise and bold. He is the embodiment of nature , always aims to please but never loses Focus. Wise Beyond years.

His name was Enri and he tethered the beast.

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