Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Emersyn?

emersyns are popular. they use you for everything. you may think they are your friend but no they are the biggest liars ever. they just want gossip. and will you give it to them yes because you don’t know what other option. if she asked for you to do your homework because you a big nerd you will accept because she will make you look bad if you don’t.

friend #1- “an emersyn”
friend 2- “yup she just asked for my math homework answers

👍33 👎19

Emersyn - meme gif

Emersyn meme gif

Emersyn - video


Emersyn - what is it?

A beautiful rainbow after the storm.

clouds rain beautifulemersyn

👍163 👎53

What does "Emersyn" mean?

A girl that will hookup with everybody and will cheat on yo ass

Ewwwwwww emersyn is over there .

👍63 👎69

Emersyn - what does it mean?

Emersyn is Ed Sheeran. Even though they're a red head, they're genuinely so sweet and kind and they remember everything you say. They are so true to freindships and so loyal even if they're in love with your mom

*shafts cutely*

Jimmy's fanboy is Emersyn

👍25 👎11

Emersyn - meaning

Emersyn is a amazing person who you will wish you were friends with! She’s very beautiful and caring and learns very quick! She never lets people walk on her, and is always protesting what’s right! She never looses a fight, She’s an amazing friend and if very crazy and fun to hang around with! If you have a Emersyn as a friend you should never let her go!

Person 1: Holy Emersyn’s is so beautiful!
Person 2: I’m kinda scared of her...

👍43 👎13

Emersyn - definition

A strong and confident girl, she has an opinion and know what she wants. She has many friends and are kind to them and the people she loves, she doesn’t care if someone doesn’t like her because she’ll brush it off and forget about it. She’s proud of all her sucsess. She’s a positive girl and and when she’s down she’ll always look at the positive side, I always go to Emersyn when I’m down because she always has something that makes me smile.

Emersyn is my bestfriend :)

👍271 👎37