Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Edward Scissor hands?

when you are edward and also have hands on your scissors

ew Edward Scissor-Hands has hands on his scissors gross

👍25 👎11

Edward Scissor hands - video


Edward Scissor hands - what is it?

The sexual act of using a pair of scissors while styling her pubic hair with another pair of scissors

I heard Molly and her boyfriend tried to do Edward scissor hands and she ended up in the hospital.

👍25 👎11

What does "Edward Scissor hands" mean?

A film about a man who had his hands chopped off and the made new ones out of scissors.
He's like the nice version of Freddy Krueger played by johnny depp but both his hands are different than most peoples if you get what i mean.

The Girl-"Edward! FINGER ME! NOW!"
The Girl-"NOW DAMN IT!"
The Girl-" OWWWWW! My fadge is bleeding out from in!"
Edward-"I told you"

👍53 👎143

Edward Scissor hands - what does it mean?

(v)To trim the pubic region.

I pulled her panties off and it was jungle down their. I whipped out the trimmers and "Edward Scissor Hands" that bitch!

👍67 👎63

Edward Scissor hands - meaning

edward scissor hands is when a girl chafe's you on a hand job

In 7th grade this girl had the worst edward scissor hands

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