Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Eady?

She is caring smart kind beautiful. She has a bright smile. She has the cutest giggle ever. Great fashion sense. She can get selfish but she loves everyone she knows. She is a friend to all.

person 1: "Hey did you meet the new girl eady today? "
person 2: "No but she seems so sweet and her great fashion sense is amazing."

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Eady - meme gif

Eady meme gif

Eady - video


Eady - what is it?

fucking fat bitch

β€œeadie is a man in secret”

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What does "Eady" mean?

the name of someone who goes to mcdonalds everyday

hey i went to mcdonalds today, 'dont you go everyday you sol eady!'

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Eady - what does it mean?

Always Out Eating Ass Daily

Latrell is Ao eady wit Felecia.

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Eady - meaning

Its an old english word meaning "Rich gift and prosperity". Very charming, and self assured lady, intellectually humorous and feisty in words aswell as in body language

Shes an Eadi for the family

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Eady - definition

Barky little fuck. A border collie who is full of energy, loves poached eggs and likes to bark *ahem talk* to all the neighbours .

Person 1: have you met Eadie the border collie
Person 2: yeah, she’s barking at the Willy wag tails again

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Eady - slang

An embarassing act, or to say something embarassing, or someone who oftens preforms embarassing acts.

Caroline pulled an eady when she tripped over her dog, fell into the bookcase, breaking a lamp, while all her friends were watching.

Jeremy is the biggets eady ever cause he always embarasses himself trying to get with the ladies.

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Can be beautiful at times but also has a dark side. She will stab u in the back but will help u heal the wound. She is usually a arrogant bitchy person and will be one of those popular ones. They are usually brunettes with bright eyes. If u ever become friends with one be careful what u say! They are beautiful on the outside and all the boys fall for them!

"That Eadie played me yesterday!"

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if you have an eadie in your life your the luckiest person. Her energy and smile lights up the room and if you ever need someone she’s there for you. Her humour is questionable at times but will make you laugh anyways. She will always support you and lift you up. Her opinions always come from the heart whether you need to know the truth or not. Don’t ever let an eadie go

eadie likes her roasted marshmallows

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An adjective meaning awesome. Often has connotations of sexual attractiveness when used in conjunction with a person. Derived from the name of a very attractive recital organist of the same name, married to Jane.

'I thought that book was so Eady. What didn't you like about it?'

'Oh my god, that guy is so Eady. I want him. Our babies would be so hot.'

awesome amazing cool hot sexy wicked

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