Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Dreaming of you?

If a girl tells you this she definitely likes you and a lot of stuff went down in that dream

Sally: Jacob I had a dream about you!
Jacob:oh cool dude what happened

Sally:nothing really *blushes*

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Dreaming of you - video


Dreaming of you - what is it?

Dreaming Of You is a romance song recorded by deceased singer Selena Quintanilla-Perez , otherwise known as Selena. This song is about a person who is dreaming of being with his or hers boyfriend or girlfriend. The song was released in the album Dreaming Of You shortly after Selena was tragically murdered by Yolanda Saldivar.

"My favorite song is Dreaming Of You by Selena Quintanilla-Perez."

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