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What is Double Barrel Shotgun?

When a woman farts and queefs at the same time.

I made a joke while have sex from behind, and when I pulled out, she was laughing so hard, she double-barrel shotgunned me.

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Double Barrel Shotgun - video


Double Barrel Shotgun - what is it?

The act of defecating and vomiting simultaneously. Usually a symptom of the flu or other gastro-intenstinal virus.

Dude, can you get a wet-dry vac and some bleach? I went to go puke in the toilet, but I was packing the double-barrel shotgun so I got some anal confetti on the floor.

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What does "Double Barrel Shotgun" mean?

When two guys align their dicks in parallel (resembling a double-barrel shotgun) and penetrate the pussy in hopes of bottoming out.

Hey Bobby lets double barreled shotgun this bitch! GOTEM!

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Double Barrel Shotgun - what does it mean?

the girl in the middle of a guy-girl-guy threesome.

receiving a penis in the vagina and anus simultaneously.

the act of having sex with a woman at the same time as another man.

Dave and I pulled a double-barrel shotgun on Jane last night.

I really wanna try a double-barrel shotgun, but I'm afraid it might hurt.

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Double Barrel Shotgun - meaning

smoking or hitting two vapes or dab pens at once

don't double barrel shotgun the pens you're gonna get too high!

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Double Barrel Shotgun - definition

A. a break open shotgun with 2 barrels

B. the best way to say "get the fuck off my lawn"

C. everything else on this page

John: I THOUGH I TOLD YOU JW TO STAY OFF MY LAWN *gets out the double-barrel shotgun* *JW's run away as fast as they can go*

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Double Barrel Shotgun - slang

When a lady is giving head to 2 guys at the same time with both cocks in her mouth. Both guys "co-jizz" in her mouth at the same time (making a "shotgun" effect at the point of explosion). Then both of the men pull out and yell, SHOTGUN BITCH!!

Dude me and my boy totally took this chick home from the bar last night and fucking double barrel shotgun that hoe!! She was coughing up our man juice for at least an hour after.

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Double Barrel Shotgun

The act of a girl sucking two dicks at one time. Hence the term Double Barrel Shotgun.

"Do you think you can handle a Double Barrel Shotgun sweetie?" Me
"I dont know maybee both but if not definatly one!" Her
"In that case we better go with the single shot!" Me.

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Double Barrel Shotgun

When a girl slips her two middle fingers up the ol’ tail pipe and you blow your load like a shotgun

β€œBro my girlfriend gave me the β€˜Double Barrel Shotgun’ last night, it was beyond a feeling.”

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Double Barrel Shotgun

From the people who brought you the shotgun... The double-barrel shotgun will revolutionize the way you get trashed...A double shot of vodka immediately followed by a shotgunned beer...alcohol consumption has never been so efficient

Wanna shotgun a beer?
Fuck that, let's do a double barrel shotgun

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