Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Djes?

"free-spirited" kind hearted, first dictionary to have name in it, not on any magnets at travel centers....yet

Have y'all took off to a neighbors like DJe

๐Ÿ‘25 ๐Ÿ‘Ž11

Djes - meme gif

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Djes - what is it?

A shy timid creature who will often burrow back into the womb to avoid problems. Or if someone is being a massive cunt

Moe Leister: Did Allison do the reports

Hugh Jangus: No heโ€™s being a dje about it

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What does "Djes" mean?

Djes is a person mostly with brown hair and brown eyes. He doesnโ€™t like working, but he does love money. Heโ€™s very popular and he loves his grandpa. Every girl loves him and he is a player but something when he really loves you, the relationship is very long.

Girl 1: OMG i think thatโ€™s Djes!
Girl 2: Yeah, thatโ€™s him.
Djes: hi, girls. Do you wanna marry me?

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