Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Dirty green?

When a girl vomits into a jar, shoves the jar deep into her ass, then gets fucked by a huge stallion horse cock, shattering the jar and tearing both the horseโ€™s dick and Dirty Greenโ€™s vagina into a red and orange sauce. The sauce is then blended into a pulp and served to Dirty Greenโ€™s girlfriend.

Give me the dirty green baby boy

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Dirty green - video


Dirty green - what is it?

1. Marijuana.

2. A way to speak in code about marijuana when in fact everyone knows exactly what you're talking about.

3. Poorly written code that only a pot-head could come up with.

On phone in a state a paranoia:

Dude #1 - Hey man, do you have any of the dirty green tonight?

Dude #2 - Yeah definitely man, why don't you come by in a half hour.

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What does "Dirty green" mean?

When a guy sits in his own sweat and juices for weeks then he forces his girl to give him a blow job.

The drunk girl at the party passed out and he gave her his dirty green bean.

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